Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Long Weekend at the Cabin

Well it's been a while since I posted anything on here...   we went south for a three week holiday in Timmins to visit the family. When we came back we spent some time going to the cabin to finish setting it up and we also did some caribou hunting. I got a decent bull and Zellie finally got her first caribou, unfortunately Maria was not able to shoot anything this year. But she sure did try!!!!!!

We decided to spend the long weekend in August out at the cabin, it was our first time staying out there for more than a day. I spent my time going odd jobs around the cabin like finally building an outhouse and building a bench for the outside of the cabin out of some scrap wood.

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Maria, Zellie, and Myna in front of the cabin

Here is Zellie driving the Jeep to the cabin

Maria walking by the bay

Nancy and Maria on the big rock in front of the cabin

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